Monday, 24 February 2014

First magazine front cover draft (PAULINE KATE BALUYUT)

This post serves to show people the processes taken to produce a successful film magazine to appeal to a specific target audience.  

I and Mikaela, used the same image of Richard (James Davies) for both her first poster draft and my first magazine draft picture, this is because sometimes magazines and posters used the same image.

Our target audience for our social-realism film trailer are both genders, aged 16 - 21 years of age. They live in an urban 'gritty' area surrounded by the comfort of technology - technology which will enable them to be bombarded commonly by new film promotions. They live near newsagents/shops that allows them to purchase film magazines easily (magazines such as the magazine which I will be making), using their own money obtained through their part time/full time jobs. They are those persons living in a somewhat dreary, middle-class, rough areas surrounded by other teenagers, these specific conditions will help them relate to the film's location(s).  

I plan to target my magazine to both genders aged 16-29 years old (digital natives), as I have mostly looked at magazines aimed for both sexes, magazines such as Total Film, Empire and Filmmaker. Another reason for my decision is, that I will need customers who  are able to pay the monthly magazine issue (£3.99 each), easily. Meaning they are probably be of working age (16+) and are working part time/full time jobs.

I must take into account that independent films are retailed differently than mainstream movies, as they have a lower budget to spend both on the film itself and the promotion process. This means I and Mikaela must only use certain low budget promotion schemes to advertise our movie, these include free social networking websites, posters, trailer and magazines. 

As I and my partner Mikaela Lawrence, will be filming an independent social-realism film trailer, I will be basing my magazine layout using mainly the conventions used by an independent film magazine and also including some minor mainstream magazines' conventions such as 'Total film'. This is because our target audience (a digital native) are likely to purchase mainstream magazines, which markets their brand well through the use of apps, social media networks and other means, to promote their film. Hence why films promoted by mainstream magazines end up becoming widely known.



Conventions used:
Colour palette
Film name masthead
Magazine name masthead
Main image

For my second draft I must:
  1.  Use a better quality picture (no jagged sides)
  2.  Include only bold and attractive fonts
  3. Design my own magazine masthead.
  4. Use a distinctive and clearer font style for my film name/masthead.  
  5. Include more coverlines
  6. Choose wisely on attire worn by actor/model
  7. Position image well, so that masthead's background doesn't cover the actor's profile.

*Please note I often refer to coverlines as 'articles'